How to repeat n times the same command in vim?

Say you have a nice code and you want to visually separate each function implementation

def func1():

def func2():


Repeating n times the ‘-‘ is easy in VIM, just write one and then press (in normal mode) 30. for another 30 ‘-‘ 🙂 The dot command ‘.‘ repeats the last thing you’ve done since last time you entered in normal mode, and the ’30’ specifies that you want to repeat it 30 times.

Creating, resizing, moving etc. Windows in vim. Learn with vimcast

Windows are very useful in Vim, whether you want to look at different parts of the same file or edit multiple file in the same terminal window. As always there are tons of shortcuts to memorize without which one can be lost… This information is present in Vim’s documentation and in many many… many places in the internet, but I my favorite is the vimcast tutorial.

Vimcast is a nice website offering video tutorials for vim. If like me you’re a bit lazy to read tons of documentation, and above all you like see the thing in action, vimcast is great for that. The guy has also written a book named Practical Vim, which I like very much (yes I bought it). In the boo, each section represents a theme (like section 2 is « The normal mode ») which is organized as a series of associated tips for which the author gives very detailed examples… as if you were looking at his webcasts.

Calling a C function from python with numpy arrays as arguments is easy

Python is great, it is easy to code, flexible, dynamic, etc. but it has a downside: it is very slow. If, like me, you sometimes need to speed up a few functions, there are several options. One is to use Cython, which is kind of a C extention for python… their goal is to allow you to right python-like code (i.e. easy to right and high level) and easily obtain some serious (factor of several hundreds possible) speed up, up to C speed in some cases. If the function you have to speed up looks like its going to be a pain to write in C, Cython is the way to go!

That is what I’ve been doing over the last week… until I realized it could be a bit of a pain. Cython is not magic (so I was told several times I asked for help, thanks) and there’s no way one command line is going to give you blast speed. Instead, although it is easy to transform a naive python function into a Cython version, and easy to obtain reasonable speedup, if you’re looking for a real optimization, you’ll probably need to dig into the behind the scenes of Cython… understanding why the hell Cython transformed this line of python into 10 lines of C whereas this apparently-exactly-same-kind-of-line of python into 250 lines of C… this kind of stuff. And in the end, making your code very fast may be a pain… as compared to writing it in C in the first place!

That is why, depending on how much you feel your function will be easy to write in C, I’d seriously consider to do it, rather that going through the pain of optimizing cython code. I’ll now explain how to call C functions to you python code, and even C functions that work on numpy arrays, because I’m sure that’s probably what you’re up to.

This is the C file that contains the C functions you will call from your python module. I’ve made three examples, one function that just prints the basic hello world to the scren, the second takes a numpy array and prints it, and the third one copies one array into the other. If you know C, this is all pretty simple.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* basic function that just print some stuff */
void helloworld(void)

printf("Hello World!!\n");

/* this will print a given array */
void displaynparray(double *array, size_t s)

unsigned int i;

for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
 printf("array[%d] = %lf\n",i,array[i]);



/* this will copy the content of 'in' into 'out' */
void copyarray(double *in, size_t s, double *out)
 unsigned int i;

for (i=0; i < s; i++)
 out[i] = in[i];

then you compile your code so to produce a shared library :

gcc -fPIC -shared -o module.c

Now here is the python module that will make use of the library we’ve just done :

from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
import ctypes
import numpy as np

def displaynparray(lib):
    array = np.arange(0,10,dtype=np.float64)
    disp  = lib.displaynparray
    disp.argtypes = [ndpointer(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.c_size_t]

def helloworld(lib):

    hw = lib.helloworld
    hw.restype = None

def copyarray(lib):

    arr_in  = np.arange(0,10,dtype=np.float64)
    arr_out = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64)

    cpa = lib.copyarray
    cpa.restype = None
    cpa.argtypes = [ndpointer(ctypes.c_double),

    cpa(arr_in, arr_in.size, arr_out)

    print arr_in
    print arr_out

def main():

    lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('./')

    print 'function helloworld() : '

    print 'function displaynparray()'

    print 'function copyarray'

if __name__ == '__main__':

here is what I get in my terminal when I execute the script :

function helloworld() :
Hello World!!
function displaynparray()
array[0] = 0.000000
array[1] = 1.000000
array[2] = 2.000000
array[3] = 3.000000
array[4] = 4.000000
array[5] = 5.000000
array[6] = 6.000000
array[7] = 7.000000
array[8] = 8.000000
array[9] = 9.000000
function copyarray
[ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.]
[ 0.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.]

How do I set the name of a git branch in my terminal prompt?

I’ve been using Git for the last couple of weeks and so far I find it awsome. For those of you who don’t know what Git is, I’ll assume you’re clever enough to find out yourself, there are tons of articles on git, git tutorials and so on on the net, I won’t add mine.

If you’re a (new?) git user however, this might interest you : you’ve probably noticed that sometimes you don’t remember on which branch you are exactly, so you often have to type ‘git branch’ to remind you. This is quite boring and I found an excellent way to always know where you are : write the branch name within your terminal prompt!

So to do that, just add the following into your .profile, .bashrc or whatever shell config file you use :

git_prompt ()
    if ! git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
        return 0
    git_branch=$(git branch 2>/dev/null| sed -n '/^\*/s/^\* //p')
    echo " [$git_branch]"
PROMPT_COMMAND='PS1="\u@\h$(git_prompt)\$ "'

that’s all folks… and don’t forget to source your file 😉

C99 variadic macros and useful print for debugging your code

Debugging is one of the worst thing I have to do on a regular basis… the debugger is a great tool but it is often fastidious to set breakpoints and print variables step by step (in particular if you are working on parallel programs)….

Printing stuff here and there is also useful but then my code is a mess with all these if(debug) or #ifdef DEBUG everywhere (note that the second method do not take runtime if the DEBUG preprocessor flag is set). So I’ve been looking for a way to print useful debug information but without taking time when a debug flag is not set at the compilation and without making my code looking too much like 99% is debug stuff and 1% the actual code.

I found an elegant, powerfull yet very simple method to do that, with C99. Come on, it’s been more than 10 years that C99 is out, so it’s time to accept the -std=c99 flag in your gcc compilation ;-). The method is based on variadic macros, which are macros taking a variable number of arguments. Check the following :

#include <stdlib.h>


#define debug_printf(fmt, ... ) \
              printf("DEBUG > at %s (%d) : " fmt,__FILE__, __LINE__,__VA_ARGS__);
#define debug_printf(fmt, ...)

Rather than a long explanation, I think a small example of what this piece of code does is better. So of the flag DEBUG_PRINT is defined this :

debug_printf("Your program has %d files and an average of %d bugs per line\n",100,5);

will be expanded in :

printf("DEBUG > at %s (%d) : Your program has %d files and an average of %d bugs per line\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,100,5);

and print the following on screen :

DEBUG > at myfile.c (12) : You program has 100 files and an average of 5 bugs per line

assuming it has been written in myfile.c at line 12.

However, if DEBUG_PRINT is not defined, then your debug_printf() command will not even appear in your compiled code!

Learn Python – Switch from IDL to Python

If you’re like me, a scientist using expensive software like IDL, Matlab etc. to make your scientific data analysis, you might want to look at free alternatives. One issue however is that often, those alternative are either incomplete or with a limited community or both. Well you may want to consider Python. With Numpy and Matplotlib, Python now becomes a very powerful tool for scientific programming and now seems to be attracting more and more people. In the astrophysics community, a lot of people are switching from their old programming habits to Python. Moreover, the fact that Python is free is an attractive argument for poor university teachers who are not yet hopeless to teach scientific computing/data analysis to students. Because of that, one might expect that within the next decade, young scientists will be much closer from Python than researchers are now.

If you want to switch, there are many tutorials on the internet, but it can be quite long and fastidious to find the good ones and go through them. A good alternative, if you don’t have an expert who as nothing else to do just next to you, is to see what people who have already switched have done. Some people are actually nice enough to share their experience with us. Check this link for good advices.

Display the full path in Max OS X finder

Mac OS X only display the current folder name in the finder title bar, which is quite annoying when you often want to know the full path. It is actually easy to make the finder to display the full path, but one has to know the command, which is :

defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES

One entered in the terminal, force the finder to relaunch, and the full path of the directory you’re in will be displayed in the title bar. (Source of the trick)

Ctrl+A does not work within a screen session : How can I move the cursor to the beginning of the commande line ?

If like me you work with multiple computers and a UNIX system, you probably want to use « screen« , which allows you to work in virtual terminals. This is very helpful since you will then be able to work in the same terminal no matter on which computer you are, hence keeping all your environment variables, last commands etc. loaded as if you were on the computer that created them in the first place.

One thing was annoying me however… screen is redefining the Ctrl+A shortcut. Usually in unix (at least Mac and Linux, or maybe Bash is the common denominator, I don’t really know?), the shortcut Ctrl+A moves the cursor below the first character of the current command line. Very helpful for long commands when you just want to change few things that are closer from the beginning than from the end of the line.

When you do Ctrl+a within a screen session however, it doesn’t work, and you instead have the « No other Window » message, appearing at the bottom of the terminal window.

I recently found a workaround, which consist in adding in your ~/.profile (or ~/.bashrc) the line :

bind '"\C-t": beginnin-of-line'

This will redefine Ctrl+t (which normally switch the last two characters, not very useful to me) to do what ctrl+a did before. Doing ctrl+t within a screen session will now move the cursor at the beginning of the command line 🙂 Of course it does not need to be ‘t’, I just chose it because it’s a shortcut I’ve never sued before.

SpiderOak : better than DropBox

I’m one of those guys who use several computers… I have my personal laptop, my professionnal laptop and my professional desktop… A large part of my work is shared between these three computers, but of course each of them has a dedicated purpose and thus their own files and directories so that altough the machines share some files, they are not clones and may have their own directory organization.

If you are in my position, you know it can be a real mess! MyReport.pdf being in ~/Documents/reports/ on one of the laptops, in ~/Documents/work/reports on my personal laptop and in ~/Documents/other_path/ on the Desktop… With the time, the brain can amaizingly build a mental representation of all the directories on all the machines, but as you organizations are growing, it becomes difficult to keep it accurate and it often turns out to be a real nightmare when it comes to synchronize different versions of your files. Yes, don’t tell me you’ve never wasted your time looking at the content of some files on your different machines to determine which machine has the lastest version…

Well, enough! In this situation, one needs a good synchronization software, and if possible a free one! You probably know Dropbox. It’s the most famous software for data synchronization. The principle is very simple, you register all your machines to a « DropBox account », all the files you wish to synchronize are uploaded to an online server which basically sort everything and synchronize the latest updated versions on all your devices.

It seems really good, and in fact it works rather well… but it has several drawbacks in my opinion:

  • You can synchronize only the content of the special folder « Dropbox », so you have to put all the files you want to share into this dir…
  • You can find a trick to keep your data where you want by creating a symbolink link pointing to it from the Dropbox dir, but on other machines your sync files will unavoidably end within the Dropbox directory… and this asymmetric situation is bad
  • You can only synchronize folders, not individual files

After looking for an alternative to DropBox, I finally decided to use SpiderOak. SpiderOak let you backup online the directories and files of your choice, then let you sync some of this data between two or more computers. It comes with free 2GB, which is enough I guess for ascii files. I’ve been using it for two days now, and I’m quite happy with it. And it also works in command line, youhou!

If you want to try, please download it from this link : HERE. You will then benefit for one additionnal GB… and me too 🙂